Sunday, April 19, 2009

Internet IOU

Threatened by the disturbing reality of print quickly becoming a thing of the past, the concern of who owns the rights to news and other content is also becoming more tangled. With online publications it's hard, if not impossible, to receive revenue from those reading the content.

Yes, online newspapers do receive revenue from advertising spots sold but the annual volume of print advertising in U.S. newspapers since 2005 has sunk by $12.7 billion, according to the Newspaper Association of America. So then the questions arises, should online readers be billed for gathering open information? The Internet is, after all, based on the idea of convenient and free knowledge.

A recent New York Times story revealed a new automated system that would enable online newspapers and magazines to charge for full access into its own publication, and other partnering publications, which could change the freedoms we have on the Internet.

Just as an artist, not viewer, holds the ownership of a piece of artwork, the publisher would too gain ownership of an online newspaper or magazine through compensation.

Friday, April 17, 2009

50 Most Popular Blogs

In the Guardian's list of 50 most popular blogs, there is a wide range of blogs to give almost anyone a reason to enter the realm of on-line communities. The number one blog, The Huffington Post, offers reliable coverage on political issues. According to the Guardian's article, the Huffington Post changed the way the world of blogs are viewed. Its site transitioned blogging from being the "underdog" medium of expressing voices to a popular, and now widely used, news outlet.

The list includes blogs for the gossip obsessed with Perezhilton to the nature enthusiasts with Treehugger. The Guardian's compiled list gives a summary of the blog and its history. Then at the bottom there is a short, satirical line about what you won't find on the blog.

Essentially, blogs can serve whatever purpose the reader chooses. If your main priority when looking for blogs is accuracy and reliability in news then there are definitely blogs that are just that. However, if you are more interested in what the next trend in handbags is, then, there are just as many as those blogs as well. Blogs can provide good insight and perspective to almost every topic which has the ability to broaden personal views.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Does it pay to be young?

In today's New York Times, the concern of baby boomer's long term unemployment during the recession is recognized. Although many unemployed professionals over 45 looking for jobs have more experience than younger applicants, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployed people over the age of 45 were out of work for an average of 22.2 weeks while younger unemployed average 16.2 weeks out of work.

Even when jobs are attained, there is usually a steep drop in pay in contrast to younger employees.

However, there is some advantage for older workers. Government statistics show that workers over 45 experience a smaller rate of unemployment.

Being a college student during the current U.S. recession, it's hard not to wonder if there will be any employment opportunities after graduation. After all the money spent for a college degree and sleepless nights to get an A, it's hard to grasp the possibility that there might not be a reward for all the effort. It is good to hear that younger workers are unemployed for a shorter amount of time but, unfortunately, unemployment is still a huge issue for all ages regardless of your perspective.